Black Box

From The Distrib Films Collection

Directed by Yann Gozlan

130 minutes / Color
French / English subtitles
Release: 2022
Copyright: 2020

film poster

Director Yann Gozlan — and an excellent cast led by the ever-impeccable Pierre Niney — crafts a taut, suspenseful intrigue, unraveling the events behind a tragic incident, this time in the aeronautics industry. Matthieu, a brilliant young black-box analyst with an extraordinarily acute ear is charged with investigating a deadly plane crash. Progressively obsessed by inexplicable evidence that doesn’t add up, and spiraling further and further into the realm of paranoia, he gradually loses credibility at the BEA, the bureau that investigates aviation safety in France. So he’s forced to go rogue, risking both career and life, but determined to uncover the sordid truth.

“A suspenseful thriller that will leave you breathless.” —20 Minutes

“A meticulous, fiendishly effective thriller. Pierre Niney enigmatically walks the line between intuition and paranoia.” —Le Journal du Dimanche

Black Box is a blistering, intense thriller, carried by the masterful Pierre Niney.” —Les Fiches du Cinema

Black Box is a war machine, an artistic achievement that is equal parts film d’auteur and mainstream cinema.” —Mad Movies

“A gripping paranoid thriller.” —Télérama

“Black Box deftly brings the Hollywood paranoia thriller back to life, adeptly keeping viewers on their toes.” —Le Monde

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Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

Purchase DVD for $245.00


A film by Yann Gozlan
Starring Pierre Niney and Lou de Laâge


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