
From The Distrib Films Collection

Directed by Antoine Raimbault

110 minutes / Color
French / English subtitles
Release: 2019
Copyright: 2018

As a juror at Jacques Viguier’s trial, Nora (Marina Foïs) is convinced that he did not kill his wife. This intuition quickly becomes an obsession. She persuades Eric Dupond-Moretti (Olivier Gourmet), the most famous lawyer in the country to defend him. Together they start a compulsive fight to prove his innocence against all odds. That quest has a price they might not be ready to pay.

“A gripping real-life courtroom drama. —Hollywood Reporter

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Select Accolades

  • European Film Festival 2019
  • Thessaloniki Film Festival 2019
  • Sacramento French Film Festival 2019


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