
Directed by Nurith Aviv

61 minutes / Color
French; English; Hebrew; Yiddish / English subtitles
Closed Captioned
Release: 2020
Copyright: 2020

film poster

An expressive hybrid with roots in German, Hebrew, and Slavic languages, Yiddish has been shamed, banned, and nearly wiped out, but in fact it’s a vernacular with rich political, historical, religious, socio-economic and literary import.

In Nurith Aviv’s unexpected, original documentary, seven young interviewees—some Jews and some not—share their love for the Yiddish language. And they each tell of their connection to a particular poet they love, from the period between the two World Wars, a time which saw a great flowering of Yiddish culture and creativity, including of modernist, avant-garde poetry.

The poets discussed in the film are Celia Dropkin, Moyshe-Leyb Halpern, Anna Margolin, Peretz Markish, Avrom Sutzkever, Debora Vogel, and Yehoyesh. Filmed in France, Germany, Israel, Lithuania and Poland, YIDDISH brings the language, through their words, to life.

“A living anthology.”Le Figaro

“Must see! Makes ancient words resonate today.” Le Monde

“Travel through words in a film as thoughtful as it is interesting.” —Telerama

“The latest little miracle from director Nurith Aviv.” —SoFilm

“A chance to dream endlessly.” —The Cinema Files

“Pulsates with the sounds of forgotten rhythms.”L’Humanite

“Recommended! Unique; a thorough look at the Yiddish language during specific eras in 20th-century history... Users interested in the language and its existence in the interwar and avant-garde areas will find much to enjoy.” —Educational Media Reviews Online (EMRO)

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Select Accolades

  • DocAviv Documentary Film Festival


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