Snake Dance

Directed by Manu Riche and Patrick Marnham

75 minutes / Color
English / English subtitles
Release: 2017
Copyright: 2012

The knowledge needed to build the atomic bomb was not given to us, it was consciously pursued. And the world has been living with the consequences ever since. SNAKE DANCE is a personal reading of humankind's catastrophic decision to play God.

From New Mexico to Congo and Japan, this film explores the atomic legacy and the indelible stamp it has left on the world by following the tracks of two characters who forged this story: German-born Aby Warburg who studied the Pueblo Indians of Los Alamos, and Robert Oppenheimer who will always be known as the inventor of the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.

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Select Accolades

  • The Buyens-Chagoll Prize - Visions Du Reel - Nyon 2012
  • The Night Award - Festival international Signes de Nuit 2013
  • Grand Prix Festival A NOUS DE VOIR 2013
  • Winner, PLANETA.doc International, Brazil 2015


A personal documentary that tracks the construction of America's collective memory (or lack of one) of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Martin Lucas | 2016 | 56 minutes | Color | English | Closed Captioned

Illuminating stories told by scientists who actually worked on the Manhattan Project.

Arthur MacCaig | 1996 | 55 minutes | Color | English