Lady Chatterley's Lover

Directed by Marc Allégret

104 minutes / B&W
English subtitles
Release: 2022
Copyright: 1955

film poster

This is the first film of D.H. Lawrence’s controversial novel, which premiered in 1955, five years before the uncensored novel even appeared in print in the UK. Danielle Darrieux (in the peak years of her stardom) is Constance Chatterley, faithful wife to her war-wounded paraplegic husband (British actor Leo Genn), whose fortune flows from a local coal mine. Everyone but she seems concerned about her loss of sexual fulfillment, and the possibility of her bearing an heir, until she crosses paths with the estate’s new gamekeeper (Erno Crisa), and they launch into an affair that ruptures the tight social fabric around them.

While this film wouldn't be considered risqué by today's audiences, it was seen as scandalous at the time. Initially banned upon its release, the Supreme Court eventually ruled this was a violation of free speech, letting LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER screen in theaters. Restored in 2K, this film deserves its place in cinema history.

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A film by Marc Allégret
Starring Danielle Darrieux, Leo Genn, Erno Crisa, Jean Murat, Christian Marquand


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