Finally Got the News

FINALLY GOT THE NEWS is a forceful, unique documentary that reveals the activities of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers inside and outside the auto factories of Detroit. Through interviews with the members of the movement, footage shot in the auto plants, and footage of leafleting and picketing actions, the film documents their efforts to build an independent black labor organization that, unlike the UAW, will respond to worker's problems, such as the assembly line speed-up and inadequate wages faced by both black and white workers in the industry.

film still

Beginning with a historical montage, from the early days of slavery through the subsequent growth and organization of the working class, FINALLY GOT THE NEWS focuses on the crucial role played by the black worker in the American economy. Also explored is the educational 'tracking' system for both white and black youth, the role of African American women in the labor force, and relations between white and black workers.

"A classic and legendary film, and its new edition by Icarus Films is absolutely welcome and fantastic news… a very valuable and interesting piece of American urban history, and thus this film would be very interested to watch not only for those interested in the United States, race relations, but also for students of urban studies." —Anthropology Review Database

"A classic! in the best sense: it is a film about ideas [and] presents a serious strategy for mass working class action… It speaks of a specific time and specific experiences in terms that will remain relevant as long as working people are not able to control their own lives." —Dan Georgakas, Cineaste

"[The League of Revolutionary Black Workers] was one of the most important radical movements of our century  a movement led by black revolutionaries whose vision of emancipation for all is sorely needed today." —Dr. Robin D.G. Kelley, New York University

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A Film by Stewart Bird, Rene Lichtman and Peter Gessner
Produced in Association with the League of Revolutionary Black Workers

Select Accolades

  • 2012 Reel Work Labor Film Festival
  • 2010 Berlin Documentary Forum
  • 2009 Detroit Museum of Contemporary Art
  • 2008 The Brecht Forum in New York
  • 2006 Full Frame Documentary Film Festival


One black family's commitment to a quality education, from the pre-1965 time of segregation, through desegregation, and through the recent period of resegregation. **Winner, John E. O'Connor Film Award, American Historical Association**

Chea Prince | 2003 | 56 minutes | Color | English

In the '70s and early '80s Detroit was the site of an unusual development in U.S. urban politics, as voters elected two socialists to citywide office. The film examines these people against the backdrop of a city in extreme economic crisis.

Stephen Lighthill | 1980 | 55 minutes | Color