
From Nikolaus Geyrhalter, the director of OUR DAILY BREAD, comes this IDFA Special Jury Award-winning documentary, an epic journey to twelve remote and rarely glimpsed locales and communities around the world.

Geyrhalter films expansive vistas of desert, snow, jungle, ice, and rainforest, travels with a scooter-riding Finnish reindeer herdsman, visits the home of a Namibian couple with relational problems, ventures out to sea with a Sardinian fisherman. In observational and striking visual portraits, impressions of modernization's influence on traditional societies emerge.

An homage to humanity, ELSEWHERE is a nuanced portrait of life - fragile and resilient - at the start of the 21st century.

"ELSEWHERE is an astoundingly unique, landmark film, and a not-to-be missed opportunity to see places few of us will ever visit ourselves." —Doc Films

"The cumulative effect is extraordinary, offering a refreshed view of how people live and raise families with little technological aid, yet with increasing dependency on the modern, outside world." —Variety

"The result of a colossal endeavor, [ELSEWHERE] combines a poetic sensibility and political intent." —New York Times

"Nikolaus Geyrhalter is certainly not the first documentarian to make life on the planet's margins the core of his body of work, but he might yet be one of the best." —Benjamin Mercer, The L Magazine

"Shockingly beautiful." —Rob Nelson, Village Voice

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Directed, Photographed & Produced by Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Edited by Wolfgang Widerhofer


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