Do Communists Have Better Sex?

Directed by André Meier

52 minutes / Color
English / English subtitles
Release: 2007
Copyright: 2006

This is about sex. About sex in Germany and who, on which side of the Iron Curtain, was better at it. At the end of the Second World War, Germans shared the same culture, lifestyle, morals. But four decades later, everything had changed. Forty years of division left their mark in many places—including the beds of the German people.

November 1989. The Wall comes down and brothers and sisters from the East have become almost unrecognisable. Sociologists have a field day, and investigate—from a strictly scientific point of view, of course—everything to do with sex in the two Germanies.

film still

Is dictatorship plus a planned economy the sure-fire formula for a natural aphrodisiac? At least in bed, according to the statistics, the communists were victorious. How could it have happened? Didn't the West do everything to intensify the desires of its citizens? Wasn't there sex in abundance for every man on every street corner? Was it to do with the church in the West or did affluence make people lethargic? Was it better in the East because women earned their own money? Or because there weren't any other distractions and people took refuge from the state in bed?

DO COMMUNISTS HAVE BETTER SEX? reveals an up-to-now unknown and curious chapter of political and entertaining erotic history.

"This compelling documentary shows that the Cold War was also fought in bed, and that for a long time it was the Communist East who retained the upper hand." —Anthropology Review Database

"Pithy… an entertaining, visually appealing package, including aptly chosen archival footage and colorful, witty animated segments" —J. Osicki, Library Journal 

"Entertaining and informative… One can use this video as a discussion starter in a variety of classes… a valuable addition to the history of sexuality."—David S. Hall, Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality

"Often humorous, always informative… Would be appropriate for those studying sexual politics and sex education… Recommended." —Jessica Schomberg, Educational Media Reviews Online

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