Neither Allah, Nor Master!

Directed by Nadia El Fani

71 minutes / Color
French; Arabic / English subtitles
Release: 2011
Copyright: 2011

Winner of the International Secular Prize, Tunisian-Franco filmmaker Nadia El Fani, an avowed atheist, takes a personal approach to this cinematic exploration of secularism in the Muslim country of Tunisia before and after the deposition of Ben Ali.

The film, which was made by at the height of the 2010-2011 revolutions in North Africa, has proven so controversial that it has made the director a target of extremist death threats.

When the Tunisian people toppled dictator Ben Ali, they sparked an unprecedented era freedom and optimism and launched the Arab Spring in country after country. El Fani argues, however, that a resurgent Islamism threatens these gains.

Officially, Tunisia is not an Islamic nation. Indeed, in an archival interview, President Habib Bourguiba, who ruled the country for 30 years, affirms equal rights for Jews and Christians. But El Fani also sees troubling signs that Tunisia may be becoming less tolerant of non-Islamic beliefs.

film still

Perhaps most troubling is the confusion between Islamic doctrine and national law. Over and over, El Fani encounters Tunisians who mistakenly believe that it is illegal to serve alcohol to Arabs or to break the fast during Ramadan. One man even claims that the constitution says all Tunisians must be Muslim and, at a demonstration, an Islamist throng chants, "Our constitution is the Koran!"

El Fani is casual and outspoken; she introduces viewers to Tunisians, including many women, in their own spaces - sprawled across a living room couch, gathered together on the front steps of a building, enjoying a cup of coffee in the garden - and discover just how much they have to lose. NEITHER ALLAH, NOR MASTER! documents Tunisians resisting religious ideology and fighting for a secular state in their everyday lives.

"Tunisians have wrested power from a decades-long dictatorship," El Fani says. "Now can they embrace the future by adopting a secular constitution?"

"Provacative and interesting; a performative documentary [that] provides a variety of viewpoints for the spectator to consider."Professor Sheila Petty, author of 'Directory of World Cinema: Africa', in the journal African Studies Review

"Instructive and constructive!"

"Fascinating! Useful for understanding the Arab Spring." —Le Monde

"Recommended! El Fani's deceptively simple film – which juxtaposes interviews with scenes of bustling markets and beaches – thought-provokingly argues that Tunisia may be in the throes of simply replacing one master, the deposed dictator, with another, an emboldened religious establishment." —Video Librarian

"Celebrates the open discussin in Tunisia and lovingly underscores the threat to individual rights and freedom.” Al Jadid Magazine

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Select Accolades

  • 2012, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival
  • 2011, International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA)
  • 2011, Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Conference Film Festival
  • 2011, International Secular Prize Winner


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