Facing Ovarian Cancer: A Woman's Guide

From The Fanlight Collection

Directed by Kay Stammers

120 minutes / Color
Release: 2008
Copyright: 2008

Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cause of cancer death in women. Roughly one in every hundred women will develop the disease, which usually occurs in women over the age of 45, though it can occur in younger women as well. Known as a "silent killer" because its symptoms may be vague and non-specific, it is often not diagnosed until it's too late for effective treatment. At present there are no reliable tests for the disease — the best defense is awareness, and that's where this film comes in.

This ground-breaking program is designed for women who have just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, for their families and friends, and for the physicians and nurses who work with them. It will also be invaluable for everyone who wants information about the disease and its course and symptoms. It includes candid interviews with leading gynecological oncologists, nurses, psychologists, and social workers, as well as a range of women who are living with ovarian cancer and tell it like it is. The program's highly practical chapters include an overview of ovarian cancer, recognizing the symptoms, seeking a diagnosis, prognosis of the illness, treatment options, surgery, coping with chemo, hair loss and self-image, care and support, follow-up care and recurrence, and getting on with life.

“The information provided here is universal. Highly recommended!” —Video Librarian

Other Ways to Watch

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Purchase DVD for $248.00


Media One
Kay Stammers

Select Accolades

  • Silver and Bronze Medals, Summit International Awards
  • New York Festivals, Bronze World Metal and Finalist Certificate
  • WorldFest Houston Film Festival, Platinum Award
  • HeSCA Media Festival, Bronze Award
  • Winner, National Health Information Award
  • Winner, Health and Science Communications Association Award


Spanning nine years, Dr. Kasia Clark's story reveals how the human spirit can combine with medicine, complementary therapies, support, athletics, and art to challenge cancer.

Katherine Deutch Tatlock | 2011 | 61 minutes | Color | English

This provocative and often lovely suite of short films explores a range of feelings and concerns women have about their breasts. Together or individually, they offer a wonderful variety of ways to stimulate reflection and discussion.

Cathryn Robertson | 2009 | 55 minutes | Color | English