Famous 4A

From The Fanlight Collection

Directed by Mike Attie

19 minutes / Color
Release: 2010
Copyright: 2009

Meet veterans Edward, John, Henry, Angel and George, residents of "Famous 4A," the hospice unit at Palo Alto Hospice Care Center in California. With an astute sensitivity for his surroundings, director Mike Attie captures the rhythms of hospice life where caring and patient hospital staff attend to one goal, "keyword is comfortable" is the mantra. The patients reflect on finding God before death, reminisce about fishing with the president during World War II, pose for pictures with Miss California and claim minor medical victories.

FAMOUS 4A captures the bond shared between patients and caregivers, grown children and their ailing parents, and challenges stereotypes of aging and dying. The film is a universal look at seeking out humor, truth, purpose, uplift and grace in the final moments of life.

"In a mere 20 minutes, director and producer Mike Attie has succeeded at invoking the realities of life inside a hospice institution. The brilliance of the film is allowing the five profiled patients to tell the story. …a thoughtful, moving, and educational documentary. FAMOUS 4A will be welcomed in academic libraries supporting health sciences and social work curricula."—Educational Media Reviews Online

Other Ways to Watch

Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

Purchase DVD for $195.00

Select Accolades

  • 2010 Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival
  • 2011 Western Psychological Association Conference


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