School of Life

From The Distrib Films Collection

Directed by Nicolas Vanier

116 minutes / Color
French / English subtitles
Release: 2017

film poster

Trapped behind the high walls of an austere orphanage in suburban Paris, Paul (Jean Scandel) has only ever known one home. His chance to discover the great wide world comes when a bohemian couple, Célestine (Valérie Karsenti, Scènes de ménages) and Borel (Eric Elmosnino), take him back to their countryside home. Borel is the gamekeeper for a vast estate in untamed French countryside of Sologne. Initially recalcitrant and rebellious, Paul becomes close with the elusive poacher – and Borel’s nemesis – Totoche (François Cluzet). Under the poacher’s tutelage, Paul will learn about life and growing up… and also about the forest and its secrets. With SCHOOL OF LIFE, Nicolas Vanier (Belle and Sebastian) delivers a captivating and well-acted drama, and a beautifully filmed love letter to the French countryside.

Gorgeous woodland scenery and spectacular wildlife photography cast a magical spell under Vanier's skillful direction, capably supported by Belle & Sebastian cinematographer Eric Guichard and an ace team of animal wranglers.” —Hollywood Reporter

"Visually splendid." —The Chicago Reader

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