Struggle: (Zheng Zha)

From The dGenerate Films Collection

Directed by SHU Haolun

50 minutes / Color
English; Mandarin / English subtitles
Release: 2012
Copyright: 2001

This powerful documentary explores the cruel realities of sweatshop labor and workplace injury in China, and one lawyer's mission to defend worker's rights.

Shenzhen, one of China's most prosperous cities, attracts thousands of migrant workers every year. These workers come with dreams of opportunity and success, but many find themselves in dangerous working conditions with no regulations to protect them. STRUGGLE tells the story of three workers who lost their limbs in factory accidents that are all too common in China.

The workers describe 17-hour shifts that leave them exhausted while operating heavy machinery, leading to disaster. Management denies responsibility for the accidents, often refusing to pay medical bills or compensate injured workers. But a crusading lawyer takes on the bosses, leading to a groundbreaking lawsuit that changes workplace regulations in China.

STRUGGLE examines one of China's most crucial problems underlying its booming economic production: the lack of worker's rights. With first-person interviews and rare courtroom footage, director Shu Haolun explains the exploitive policies and practices of government officials and factory bosses, and how lawyer Zhou Litai has taken up the cause of worker's rights. STRUGGLE reveals the harsh realities of sweatshop labor in China, and shows the inspirational efforts of those seeking justice and reform.

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SHU Haolun

Select Accolades

  • International Documentary Festival Amsterdam
  • Pusan Film Festival
  • Fribourg International Film Festival
  • Goteborg Film Festival


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Du Haibin | 2008 | 93 minutes | Color | English subtitles